Applying for a National Teaching Fellowship
“Thank you for your kind words of encouragement, helping me to dig deep and reflect on what was important to me and for keeping me on track with my application. Your 100% success rate over the last three years means you are indispensable for the University, which is also brilliant.” NTFS Mentee, 2021
This interactive workshop aims to provide stimulus and support for colleagues who may like to seek nomination from their University to be put forward for a NTF in the future. Much of the workshop will be spent in discussing how best to complete the application form. This will lead to a discussion of what colleagues need to do to prepare themselves for future applications and how the University can best support them. Mick supported the University of Gloucestershire obtain 12 NTFs between 2000 and 2011, more than any other university relative to its size. He has gone on to successfully mentor applicants from many other universities.
See: 2022 Applying for a National Teaching Fellowship This Year, Next Year or Sometime. Healey HE Consultants. (Healey, M. & Healey, R.)
“Interactive, engaging, focused.”
“I am most grateful for your comprehensive and incredibly helpful feedback which has been effective and empowering. I have often been told that I am a resilient person, but this particular process has felt quite daunting; without your help and support (and patience), I am sure that I would not have redrafted the application!”
“Great session which has aided me in developing confidence to recognise some of the valuable contribution I have already made.”
“Very useful guidance.”
“Clarity of advice and pragmatism in approach.”
“You made it less scary.”