Writing about learning and teaching and collaborative writing groups
“Writing about learning and teaching in higher education (2020): “What a very useful book this is going to prove to be, really helpful for lots of people especially since there are links to online resources and in-text activities plus reflections from lots of different people. It’s a really new way of looking at academic writing that goes well beyond simple handbooks to guide the production of texts.””
2006 International perspectives on selected issues in the learning and teaching of geography in higher education, Journal of Geography in Higher Education 30(1), 63-64 (edited collection of seven papers pp.63-160) (Healey M)
2013 Exploring SoTL through international collaborative writing groups, Teaching and Learning Inquiry 1(2), 3-8 (Healey M, Marquis E & Vajoczki S)
2014 Building capacity for the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) using international collaborative writing groups. International Journal for the SoTL 8(1) Paper 1. (Marquis E, Healey M & Vine M)
2016 Fostering collaborative teaching and learning scholarship through an international writing group initiative, Higher Education Research and Development 35(3), 531-544 (Marquis E, Healey M & Vine M)
2017 International Collaborative Writing Groups as Communities of Practice In J. McDonald & A. Cater-Steel (Eds.) Communities of practice: Implementing communities of practice dreamers and schemers. pp.597-617. Singapore: Springer (Matthews K, Marquis E & Healey M)
2017 Leadership in an International Collaborative Writing Groups (ICWG) Initiative: Implications for academic development, International Journal for Academic Development (Marquis E, Mårtensson K and Healey M) DOI: 10.1080/1360144X.2017.1291429.
2017 Learning together through International Collaborative Writing Groups, Teaching and Learning Inquiry 5(1) (Healey M & Matthews K E)
2017 Special Section—International Collaborative Writing Groups II – Six papers, Teaching and Learning Inquiry 5(1) (Matthews K E & Healey M, Eds)
2017 Reflections on the Development of International Collaborative Writing Groups (ICWGs) about Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: 8(3). (Healey M)
2019 Writing Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Articles for Peer-Reviewed Journals. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 7(2), 28-50. https://doi.org/10.20343/teachlearninqu.7.2.3 (Healey M, Matthews K E, & Cook-Sather A)
2020 Writing about learning and teaching in higher education: Creating and contributing to scholarly conversations across a range of genres. 404pp. Center for Engaged Learning Open-Access Books, Elon University (Healey M, Matthews K E, & Cook-Sather A)
2020 Making sense of writing about learning and teaching. ISSoTL Blog 3 September (Healey M., Matthews K. E., & Cook-Sather A.)
2020 Writing about learning and teaching in precarious and promising times. Association of American Colleges and Universities Liberal Education Blog. 18 Sept (Cook-Sather A, Healey M, & Matthews K E)
2020 Expanding the conventional writing genres: A matter of equity and inclusion. Educational Developments 21.3, 8-11 (Healey M, Cook-Sather A, & Matthews K E)
2021 Recognizing students’ expertise and insights in expanding forms of academic writing and publishing about learning and teaching. International Journal for Students as Partners, 5(1), 1-7. (Cook-Sather A, Healey M, & Matthews K E)
2022 Using an Academic Literacies Lens to Examine Searching and Reviewing the SoTL Literature. Paper presented to EuroSoTL 2022 conference, Manchester 16-17 June. Proceedings pp.70-77. (Healey M & Healey R)
2023 Searching the Literature on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL): An Academic Literacies Perspective Part 1. Teaching & Learning Inquiry 11. (Healey M. & Healey R. L.)
2023 Reviewing the Literature on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL): An Academic Literacies Perspective Part 2. Teaching & Learning Inquiry 11. (Healey M. & Healey R. L.)
2024 Toward greater transparency and inclusion in manuscript review processes: A relational model. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 12 (August), 1–23. https://doi.org/10.20343/teachlearninqu.12.23 (Cook-Sather, A. & Healey, R. L.)
Forthcoming. Writing collaboratively in groups: Reflections on twenty-five years experiences of international collaborative writing groups. In: Aitken, Verity and Norton, Lyn (Eds) Writing partnerships in higher education: A guide for academics and HE professionals. (Healey, M. and Healey R. L)