Students as partners
See also references on students as partners undertaking research and inquiry.
2010 Reflecting on engaging students in the process and product of strategy development for learning, teaching and assessment: an institutional example, International Journal for Academic Development (Healey M, Mason O’Connor, K. & Broadfoot, P.) 15(1) 19-32
2014 Engagement through partnership: Students as partners in learning and teaching in higher education. York: HE Academy (Healey, M., Flint, A. & Harrington, K.) 76pp. Over 1,700 Google Scholar citations.
2015 Students as partners in learning, in Lea, J. (ed) Enhancing learning and teaching in higher education: Engaging with the dimensions of practice, Maidenhead: Open University Press (Healey, M., Bovill, C. & Jenkins, A.)
2015 Inclusive partnership: Enhancing student engagement in Geography. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 40(1): 84-103. (Moore-Cherry, N., Healey R. L., Nicholson, D.T., & Andrews, W.)
2016 Students as partners: Reflections on a conceptual model, Teaching and Learning Inquiry 4(2) 13pp Article 3 in Special Section (Healey, M., Flint, A. & Harrington, K.)
2017 Responding to the challenges of student-staff partnership: The reflections of participants at an international summer institute, Teaching in Higher Education 22(6), 720-735 (Marquis, E., Black, C. & Healey, M.)
2017 Launching a journal about and through students as partners, International Journal for Students as Partners 1(1). (Cliffe, A., Cook-Sather, A., Healey, M., Healey, R., Marquis, B., Matthews, K. E., Mercer-Mapstone, L., Ntem A., Puri, V. & Woolmer, C.)
2018 Connecting learning, teaching, and research through student-staff partnerships: toward universities as egalitarian learning communities. In V. Tong, A. Standen, A., & M. Sotiriou, (Eds.) Shaping higher education with students: Ways to connect research and teaching (pp.23-29). London: University College of London Press (Matthews, K. E., Cook-Sather, A., & Healey, M.)
2018 Engaging in radical work: Students as partners in academic publishing, Efficiency Exchange (Universities UK and Jisc in partnership with Hefce and the Leadership Foundation) (Healey, R. L., Healey, M. & Cliffe, A.)
2018 “It depends”: Exploring the context-dependent nature of students as partners’ practices and policies. International Journal for Students as Partners, 2(1) (Healey, M. & Healey, R. L.)
2018 Staff-student partnership: inclusive/exclusive pedagogic practices. Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal 2(1), 124-5. (Moore-Cherry, N. & Healey, R. L.)
2019 Enhancing outcomes and reducing inhibitors to the engagement of students and staff in learning and teaching partnerships: Implications for academic development. International Journal for Academic Development 24(3), 246-59. (Matthews, K. E., Mercer-Mapstone, L., Lucie Dvorakova, S., Acai, A., Cook-Sather, A,, Felten, P., Healey, M., Healey, R. L., & Marquis, E.)
2019 Growing partnership communities: What experiences of an international institute suggest about developing student-staff partnership in higher education. Innovations in Education and Teaching International 56(2), 184-194. (Marquis, E., Guitman, R., Black, C., Healey, M., Matthew, K. E. & Dvorakova, L. S.)
2019 By any other name? The impacts of differing assumptions, expectations and misconceptions about student-staff ‘partnerships’. International Journal for Students as Partners, 3(1): 106-122. (Healey, R. L., Lerczak, A., Welsh, K. & France, D.)
2019 Pedagogic partnership in higher education: Encountering emotion in learning and enhancing student wellbeing. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 45(2): 167-185. (Hill, J., Healey, R. L., West, H. & Déry, C.)
2019 The benefits of hindsight: Lessons learnt from leading my first cross-department student-staff partnership project. York Learning and Teaching Forum Magazine 46. (Healey, R. L.)
2019 Student-staff partnership comes of age. York Advance HE (Healey, M. & Healey, R. L.) Open access free to download
2019 Student engagement through partnership: A guide and update to Advance HE Framework (04). York: Advance HE (Healey, M. & Healey, R. L.)
2020 Learner-teacher partnership in times of COVID-19: A community poll to share practices and perspectives. Brisbane: University of Queensland. (Matthews, K. E., Cook-Sather, A., Godbold, N., Healey, M., & Rafferty, C.)
2020 Interview with Professor Mick Healey and Dr Ruth Healey. Educational Developments 21(3), 11-13. (Gossman, P.)
2020 From the “micro” to the “mega”: Toward a multi-level approach to supporting and assessing student-staff partnership. In T. Lowe and Y. El Hakim (Eds.), A handbook for student engagement in higher education: Theory into practice (pp. 110–124). Routledge. (Marquis, E., Black, C., Guitman, R., Healey, M., & Woolmer, C.)
2021 Recognizing students’ expertise and insights in expanding forms of academic writing and publishing about learning and teaching. International Journal for Students as Partners, 5(1), 1-7. (Cook-Sather, A., Healey, M., & Matthews, K. E.)
2021 Learning from the pandemic to embed empathy in students-as-partners practice. SEDA Blog, 15 December 2022. (Healey, R. L.)
2023 Reflections on disciplinary perspectives on students as partners, International Journal for Students as Partners 7(1), 1-13. (Healey, M, Healey, R. L. & West, H.)
2023 A guide to working with students as partners. Centre for Academic Innovation and Development, University of Chester. (Healey, R. L.)
2023 A guide to working with students as partners: University of Chester case studies. Centre for Academic Innovation and Development, University of Chester. (Healey, R. L.)
2022 ‘Every partnership [… is] an emotional experience’: towards a model of partnership support for addressing the emotional challenges of student–staff partnerships, Teaching in Higher Education DOI: 10.1080/13562517.2021.2021391 (Healey, R. L. & France, D.)
2024 The role of academic developers in initiating, developing, and supporting student-staff partnerships in learning and teaching in higher education: A systematic narrative literature review and a new framework. International Journal for Academic Development 1-29 (Healey, M. & Healey, R. L.)
2024 Toward greater transparency and inclusion in manuscript review processes: A relational model. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 12 (August), 1–23. (Cook-Sather, A. & Healey, R. L.)
2024 Bringing a Social Justice Lens to Matthews’ Five Propositions for Genuine Students-as-Partners Practice: A Narrative Review. Social Sciences. 13(11): 577. (Healey, R. L.)
2024 Discovery and Co-creation of Learning: Sector Insights Guide. Heriot-Watt University (Healey, M. & Healey, R. L.)
2025 Students as partners and co-creation. Foreword 2 in Jamil, M. G., O’Connor, C., & Shelton, F. (Eds) Co-creation for academic enhancement in higher education: Research-informed case studies. xi-xvii. PalgraveMacMillan. Open Access. (Healey, M.)