Developing an inclusive curriculum for all
2001 Issues in providing learning support for disabled students undertaking fieldwork. Cheltenham: University of Gloucestershire, Geography Discipline Network 65pp (Healey M, Jenkins A, Leach J and Roberts C)
2001 Learning Support for Disabled Students Undertaking Fieldwork. Cheltenham: University of Gloucestershire, Geography Discipline Network. Six guides produced under the HEFCE Improving Provision for Disabled Students Funding Programme: Overview Guide, Blind Students, Deaf students, Students with Hidden Disabilities and Dyslexia, Students with Mental Health Difficulties, Students with Mobility Impairments (Gravestock P and Healey M Eds) (ISBN: 1 86174 119 7)
2002 Disabled Students and Fieldwork: Towards Inclusivity? Planet 6(1), 24-26 (Healey M, Roberts C, Jenkins A and Leach J)
2002 Disabled students and fieldwork: from exclusion to inclusion, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 27 (2), 213-231 (Hall T, Healey M and Harrison M). Awarded JGHE Biennial Award for Promoting Excellence in Teaching and Learning, 2003
2004 Barriers to learning: a systematic study of the experience of disabled students in one university, Studies in Higher Education 29 (3), 303-318 (Fuller M, Healey M, Bradley A and Hall T)
2004 Incorporating disabled students within an inclusive higher education environment, Disability and Society, 19,455-68 (Fuller M, Bradley A and Healey M)
2004 The Experience of Learning at University by Disabled Students in Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences and Related Disciplines. Cheltenham: University of Gloucestershire, Geography Discipline Network 32pp (Hall, T and Healey M with other members of the GDN ICP Project Team)
2005 Disabled students experience of fieldwork, Area 37(4), 446-449 (Hall T and Healey M)
2006 Listening to students: the experiences of disabled students of learning at university, in Adams, M. and Brown, S. (Eds) Towards Inclusive Learning in Higher Education: Developing Curricula for Disabled Students Abingdon: RoutledgeFalmer, 32-43 (Healey M, Fuller M, Bradley A, and Hall T)
2006 Issues in Developing an Inclusive Curriculum: Examples from geography, earth and environmental sciences. Cheltenham: University of Gloucestershire, Geography Discipline Network (Healey M, Jenkins A, and Leach J)
2006 Inclusive Curriculum Project Cheltenham: University of Gloucestershire, Geography Discipline Network (Hills M and Healey M Eds) Ten guides produced under the HEFCE/DELNI Improving provision for disabled students’ initiative.
2007 Managerialism and equalities: tensions within widening access policy and practice for disabled students in UK universities, Higher Education 54, 615-628 (Riddell S, Weedon E, Fuller M, Healey M, Hurst A, Kelly K, and Piggott L)
2008 Reasonable adjustments and disabled students’ experiences of learning, teaching and assessment, TLA Interchange 2, 15-18 (Healey M, Roberts H, Fuller M, Georgeson J, Hurst A, Kelly K, Riddell S and Weedon E)
2009 Improving Disabled Student Learning in Higher Education: Experiences and outcomes, Routledge: London (Fuller M, Georgeson J, Healey M, Hurst A., Kelly K, Riddell S, Roberts H and Weedon E)
2009 Assessing disabled students: student and staff experiences of reasonable adjustments, in Fuller M, Georgeson J, Healey M, Hurst A, Kelly K, Riddell S, Roberts H and Weedon E Improving Disabled Student Learning in Higher Education: Experiences and outcomes, Routledge: London (Fuller M and Healey M), 60-72