Developing the scholarship of teaching and learning
2000 Developing the scholarship of teaching through the disciplines, Higher Education Research and Development 19 (2), 169-189 (Healey M). Runner-up in JGHE Biennial Award for Promoting Excellence in Teaching and Learning, 2001
2000 Small worlds on an interconnected planet: Teaching and learning geography in higher education, in Rust C (Ed.) Improving student learning through the disciplines. Proceedings of the 1999 7th International Symposium Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development, Oxford Brookes University (Healey M, Jenkins A, and Kneale P), 125-34
2003 Discipline-based educational development, in Eggins H and Macdonald R (Eds) The scholarship of academic development Open University Press: Milton Keynes (Healey M and Jenkins A), 47-57
2003 Promoting lifelong professional development in geographical education: developing the scholarship of teaching in higher education in the 21st Century, The Professional Geographer, 55 (1), 1-17 (Healey M)
2003 Raising educational research capacity: a discipline-based approach, in Rust, C (Ed) Improving Student Learning: Theory and Practice – 10 Years On, Oxford: OCSLD, Oxford Brookes University (Cousin C, Healey M, Jenkins A, Bradbeer J, King H and other members of the Learning to Do Pedagogic Research Group), 296-306
2003 The scholarship of teaching: issues around an evolving concept, Journal on Excellence in College Teaching 14(1/2), 5-26 (Healey M)
2004 Intellectual curiosity: a catalyst for the scholarships of teaching and learning and educational development, in Elvidge L (ed) Exploring academic development in higher education: Issues of engagement. Cambridge: Jill Roger Associates, 83-96 (Breslow L, Drew L, Healey M, Matthew B and Norton L)
2006 From Hawaii to Glasgow: INLT five years on, Journal of Geography in Higher Education 30(1), 65-75 (Healey M) Free eprint
2008 Making a career with the scholarship of teaching and learning. In Ketteridge, S, Marshall, M and Fry, H (eds) The effective academic: A handbook for enhanced academic practice, Third Edition Kogan Page: London (Healey M)
2011 Excellence and scholarship in teaching: some reflections, in Hay I (ed) Inspiring academics: Learning with the world’s great university teachers. Maidenhead: Open University Press, 198-207 (Healey M)
2012 Promoting the scholarship of academic development: tensions between institutional needs and individual practices, International Journal for Academic Development 17(1), 1-3 (Healey M)
2013 Teaching and Learning Inquiry 1(2), 1-118. Special Issue Writing Without Borders: 2013 International Writing Collaborative (Healey, M. & Marquis, B. eds)
2013 Exploring SoTL through international collaborative writing groups, Teaching and Learning Inquiry 1(2), 3-8 (Healey M, Marquis E and Vajoczki S)
2014 Building capacity for the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) using international collaborative writing groups. International Journal for the SoTL 8(1) Paper 1. (Marquis B, Healey, M and Vine, M)
2014 International perspectives on peer review as quality enhancement, in Sachs, J and Parsell, M (eds) Peer Review of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: International Perspectives. Springer (Healey M, Ambler T, Irhammar M, Kilfoil W and Lyons J), 201-19
2014 Building capacity for the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) using international collaborative writing groups. International Journal for the SoTL 8(1) Paper 1. (Marquis B, Healey, M and Vine, M)
2015 Defining and supporting the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL): A sector-wide study. Literature review. York: Higher Education Academy (Fanghanel, J., McGowan, S., Parker, P., McConnell, C., Potter, J., Locke, W., and Healey, M.)
2016 Fostering collaborative teaching and learning scholarship through an international writing group initiative, Higher Education Research and Development 35(3), 531-544 (Marquis E, Healey M and Vine M) DOI: 10.1080/07294360.2015.1107886
2017 International Collaborative Writing Groups as Communities of Practice In J. McDonald & A. Cater-Steel (Eds.) Communities of practice: Implementing communities of practice dreamers and schemers. pp.597-617. Singapore: Springer (Matthews K, Marquis E and Healey M)
2017 Learning together through International Collaborative Writing Groups, Teaching and Learning Inquiry 5(1) (Healey M and Matthews K E)
2017 Special Section—International Collaborative Writing Groups II – Six papers, Teaching and Learning Inquiry 5(1) (Matthews K E and Healey M, Eds)
2017 Leadership in an International Collaborative Writing Groups (ICWG) Initiative: Implications for academic development, International Journal for Academic Development, 22(3), 211-222 (Marquis E., Mårtensson K. and Healey M.)
2017 Reflections on the Development of International Collaborative Writing Groups (ICWGs) about Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: 8(3). (Healey M)
2019 Writing Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Articles for Peer-Reviewed Journals. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 7(2), 28-50. (Healey, M., Matthews, K. E., & Cook-Sather, A.)
2021 A developmental framework for mentorship in SoTL illustrated by three examples of unseen opportunities for mentoring, Teaching and Learning Inquiry 9(1): 395-413. (Friberg, J., Frake-Mistak, M., Healey, R. L., Mooney, J., Sanchez, S., Sipes, S. & Waller, K.)
2023 Searching the Literature on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL): An Academic Literacies Perspective Part 1. Teaching & Learning Inquiry 11. (Healey, M. & Healey, R. L.)
2023 Reviewing the Literature on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL): An Academic Literacies Perspective Part 2. Teaching & Learning Inquiry 11. (Healey, M. & Healey, R. L.)
2025 Foreword. In Kaur, A. & Noman, M. (Eds). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) in Asian Higher Education. xiv-xvi. IGI Global Scientific (Healey, M.).