Developing the scholarship of teaching and learning
“… we see the scholarship of teaching as about making transparent, for public scrutiny, how learning has been made possible” - Trigwell and Shale (2004)
“To be scholarly teachers, academics need to use the same kind of thought processes in their teaching that they apply to their research” - Elton (1992)
The scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) involves three essential and integrated elements: engagement with the scholarly contributions of others on teaching and learning; reflection on one’s own teaching practice and the learning of students within the context of a particular discipline; and communication and dissemination of aspects of practice and theoretical ideas about teaching and learning in general and teaching and learning within the discipline (Martin et al, 1998). This interactive workshop will explore with participants the meaning of the terms excellent/effective teaching, scholarly teaching and scholarship of teaching and learning, and discuss some of the issues around this evolving concept, including an analysis of the range of different strategic inititiatives to promote SoTL within an institution. Specific examples of how institutions and disciplines are engaged in SoTL will be examined.
“New ideas, thought provoking, intelligent, inclusive and fun. Fabulous – thank you for giving me an opportunity to ‘think’ for a while!”
“Extremely useful, what a brilliant speaker”
“Such a wealth of information, soundly based on a considerable amount of experience. Enjoyed participating and interactivity.”
“Engaging. Interesting topics. Lots of ideas. Challenging.”
“It has given me incredible guidance and inspiration to undertake a SoTL approach with my own MPhil study, the beginning of my PhD journey.”
“Brilliant and experienced presenter, will recommend to others, very engaging”