Linking discipline-based research and teaching to benefit student learning
“It is not teaching but the student experience that should be the focus of the teaching research nexus”
- Mike Prosser (2006)
In Scholarship Reconsidered Ernest Boyer (1990, xii) challenged us to “break away out of the tired old teaching versus research debate.” Knowledge creation is the business of every academic. However, linking research and teaching is a contentious topic of international interest. The links may take many different forms and vary by the nature of the discipline. The main aim of this seminar / workshop is to explore the complexity and contested nature of the research-teaching nexus. It is argued that the relationship depends on how the terms ‘research’ and ‘teaching and learning’ are conceptualised. It is suggested that undergraduate students are likely to gain most benefit from research in terms of depth of learning and understanding when they are involved actively, particularly through various forms of research and inquiry-based learning. The development of such research-based curricula provides challenges to staff across the sector, not least because they may lead to finding new ways for staff and students to work together. The theme is illustrated with numerous mini-case studies from different disciplines and institutions in Australasia, Europe and North America.
“The chance to meet and debate and enjoy – excellent.”
“Professor Healey is recognised internationally as [one of] the world’s leading authority [ies] on the link between research and teaching. His reputation is thoroughly warranted.”
“Opportunity for creative discussion with enthusiastic and experienced facilitator.”
“One of the best sessions I have been at for a long time.”
“Thanks again for a fantastic session with our FACiLiTATE PBL group last week -I have ended up with some great material and ideas to reflect on as I finish out the term.”
“Lively and enthusiastic discussion and ideas. Generation of feel-good factor about what I do.”
“I tremendously enjoyed your presentation and talk, which were truly insightful and inspiring.”