Socially just pedagogies through partnership
“… partnerships – in their epistemic, relational, and affective impacts – are one powerful way to recognize underrepresented and underserved students as “holders and creators of knowledge” (Delgado-Bernal, 2002, p. 106) and bring about greater epistemic justice in higher education.” - de Bie et al. (2019, 35-6)
In this interactive workshop we adopt a broad definition of ‘socially-just pedagogies’ which may involve creating ‘places of possibility’ (Osman & Hornsby 2018) through a wide range of topics that explore social inclusion and diverse knowledges (Soudien 2015), including, for example: diversity, inclusion, equity, anti-racism, indigenizing or de-colonising the curriculum, and mental health and well-being. We explore ways of developing socially just pedagogies through student-staff partnerships at different levels from a single teaching session to broad scale changes across an institution.
I am going to share your wonderful body of research with my colleagues!! And I will include elements of it in my Diversity and Inclusion trainings
My take home message is to be more aware of my power as a student
My action point is to be more sensitive where we have local social justice problems